A Special Friendship

Created by Richard 3 years ago

Debbie,our special friendship with you and Jeff goes back nearly 40 years to when we all worked together .

We have so many special memories of many happy times together from our wedding,your wedding,our family christenings,significant birthdays and anniversaries,our childrens weddings and many more .

It is not just us that think so much of you but our children too,when comprising guest lists for events after immediate family you and Jeff were always the next people they wanted on the list .

We remember when you visited us when we were living in Ludlow,what a lovely weekend we had including a visit to Ironbridge and the Victorian Town museum there which included a Lloyds Bank .

It is two years ago now that James got married and we have great memories of you dancing and enjoying a wonderful day .

We always thought the four of us would grow old together enjoying many more good times .Sadly it is not to be but you will always be in our thoughts and those of Jessica & Jon,James & Shana and Jonathan & Ellie . Jeff will always be a special friend and part of our family and whenever we are together we will raise a glass and remember the good times we all had together .

Farewell Debbie,it was a privilege and an honour to have been your friend .


Richard & Marilyn xx